Plant Containers That Will Grow On You
Flexible Bags — A New Concept For Your Nursery
Flexible Bags — A New Concept For Your Nursery
Nursery staff are discovering that there are many reasons to switch from rigid plastic and metal plant containers to flexible bags. The savings are clear — not only are initial costs lower, but bags require about 40 times less storage space than rigid containers.
The advantages of using soft bag containers are clear in a comparison with plants that receive identical water, fertilizer and other cultural practices in rigid containers.
Dr. Carl E. Whitcomb,
Oklahoma State University Professor of Horticulture
“At the end of the growing season, plants in soft containers were five to 15 percent larger than plants in the same size rigid plastic container.
This was surprising because the rigid containers were green and the soft containers were black and, therefore, had slightly higher soil temperatures.
However, the reason for the growth increase was highly visible when the containers were removed. Plants grown in soft containers had a more fibrous root system than plants in rigid containers.
Counts of white root tips visible on the surface of the root ball were more than six times greater on plants grown in soft containers.”
For field use, we recommend planting sleeve gauges of .008-.010 mil. Planting Sleeves for field use are available in two colors:
Greenhouse Seed Bags for avocado, citrus, kiwi, jojoba, Christmas trees, etc., are available in two standard sizes:
Both sizes include 24 to 32 drainage holes per bag. Standard colors are orange and black. Custom colors and sizes can be created to meet your order’s specifications.
Greenhouse Plant Bags, a low-cost replacement for rigid containers, are now available from our stock in both one-gallon and “egg can” sizes for immediate delivery in quantities of 15,000 or less. Larger quantities and custom sizes will be made to order.
All TDI planting sleeves, seed bags, and plant bags are extruded from virgin polyethylene and color concentrates that guarantee maximum greenhouse and field life.
5” x 4¾” x 9” x .003 (1000/cs) – 6″ diameter
6” x 5” x 13” x .005 (500/cs) – 7″ diameter
8-½” x 7-½” x 17” x .004 (500/cs) – 10″ diameter
13” x 13” x 19-½” x .0055 (200/cs) – 16.5″ diameter
Long Bags
5” x 4¾” x 18” x .004 (500/cs) – 6″ diameter
6” x 5” x 17” x .005 (500/cs) – 7″ diameter
10” x 10” x 16” x .006 (200/cs) – 12.75″ diameter
These bags are commonly used for ornamentals and general nursery. Heavier gauges may be advisable, depending on use and field conditions.
Standard Color is black — Custom Colors Available
#1 seed bags: 2” x 1½” x 9½” x .003 (1000/2500/cs)
#2 seed bags: 2½” x 2” x 9½” x .003 (1000/2500/cs)
These bags are commonly used for ornamentals and general nursery. Heavier gauges may be advisable, depending on use and field conditions.
Standard Color is black — Custom Colors Available
11” x 17” x .010 (250/cs) – 7″ diameter
7⅞” x 17” x .010 (300/cs) – 5″ diameter
These bags are commonly used for ornamentals and general nursery. Heavier gauges may be advisable, depending on use and field conditions.
Standard Color is black — Custom Colors Available
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